The VK Pro continuously draws contaminated air away from the breathing zone in a room by creating a downward airflow, pulling exhaled air away from occupants.
The VK Pro’s multi-stage filtration features a pre-filter, granular activated carbon, and dual H14 HEPA filters to remove coarse, fine, and ultrafine particulates and VOCs.
Our patented UV-C Reactor Chamber uses a powerful, safe photochemical process that actively deactivates airborne viruses and bacteria for real-time indoor air hygiene.
The VK Pro returns air directly to the breathing zone at head height, providing a constant flow of clean air without the delay required for an entire room’s air to be exchanged.
It is very easy installation for flexible use connecting hose. Operation according to CO2 concentration and temperature.
병원, 의료원, 보건소, 대학교, 교육기관, 관공서, 판매시설,
유아/노인시설, 체육시설, 연구소 등 다중이용시설에
많이 설치되어 있습니다.
벽걸이형 공기살균청정기 VK Clinic "공기청정 및 살균이 동시에 되는 제품으로, 설치가 용이하고 동선에 유리합니다. 병원의 닥터 오피스, 보건소, 요양원, 유치원, 가정 등 용도가 다양합니다. 특히 건강검진센터 폐활량 검사실의 시장점유율 90% 제품입니다.....
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